Are you actively defending claimed impact as the operative definition of actionable speech? This is exactly the operative definition around every single cancellation of women who reject genderism, myself included. “Her speech made me feel unsafe”.

Do you want to live with the implications of this outside the case of Israel criticism? If not, how can criticism of Israel be a special case?

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

As a lesbian I agree that speech is not violence...unless the speaker is calling for the death of the target which is already covered under Section 318(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada.

I laid this charge against the Director of Mail Operations for the City of Vancouver, Jen Gall of Canada Post for administering the Corporation's mandatory "vaccination" policy which caused harm and death to many employees. Specifically the Mandate documents falsely stated, "Vaccination has been proven to reduce the transmission of Covid-19." This is a lite version of "Take your clothes off. It's just a shower." Although the toxic shit called "vaccine" has already killed millions, all-cause mortality continues to rise significantly since 2021. (See Dr. Denis Rancourt's evidence.)

Other than inciting genocide like was done in the Toronto Star which championed the death of "antivaxxers", my rights do not end where your feelings begin.

Moreover, it was falsely reported by Mockingbird media during the Truckers' protest that a swastika flag was flown and a fire had been set by protesters. These accusations both turned out to be lies and were likely instigated by the criminal psychopaths of CSIS who arguably commit the vast majority of serious crimes in Canada to serve their Hegelian dialectic (problem-reaction-solution Bill C-63 hate crime legislation.)

These kids who are denouncing the genocide of Palestinians by the (apartheid) Israeli Government and its allies including Canada should realize that the Covid-19 military depopulation operation was performed by the very same psychopathic war criminals whose playbook is the Nazi SHOCK DOCTRINE introduced by Dr. Mengele (twins-torturer) in the MK Ultra torture experiments.

We all must stop falling for divide and conquer manipulations, band together and fight the banking sector and the mlitary-industrial-pharma complex.


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The puzzling judicial order is another example of how "woke" Canada's judiciary has become. It's disheartening. And yet some poor sot wrote a text to his mom that had the word "war" in it and he's being subjected to the full wrath of the law. It's a weird world. Weird not in a good way. The UOT ruling gives tacit (and maybe not so tacit) acceptance to the pro-palestinian antisemetic rhetoric. I'm ashamed to be Canadian, mostly, these days.

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

But you were fine with widespread calls for canceling health care, firings and death of "antivaxxers" in the media and by our fascist medical "leaders"?

Rule of law for thee but not for me.

It is PRECISELY for the most marginalized groups which civil rights legislation is necessary. The psychopaths who rule us know that they can start violating the rights of groups hated by the majority and nobody will challenge it. This is the slippery slope which eventually comes for all of us as is happening now.

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that's some fanciful assumptions you make there. The rest of your post is silly. what "most marginalized groups"? Ask Jewish people how they feel in Canada now.

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

I agree that antisemitism exists but it is not the same as protesting the actions of the Government of Israel.

Let me know when Jewish people get violently assaulted by Vancouver Police at work, permanently injured, handcuffed, placed in a police van, wrongfully fired, lose their benefits and fully half of their Maximum Pension for their refusal to wear a mask WHEN NO PROVINCIAL OR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT MASK MANDATES WERE IN EFFECT.

That's what happened to me. I have never been charged with a crime. That's what actual crime looks like and a shockingly high number of Canadians cheered for this.

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety”

Ben Franklin

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In your zeal and haste to make what you obviously consider to be an important point for you, you have misconstrued my original post completely. and by the way, where is the proof that covid vaccines caused death?

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3


Be honest...you didn't "trust the science." You trusted your TV.

The Covid-19 psychopaths masquerading as medical experts are STILL saying the modified mRNA Gene Therapy platform injections are "safe and effective" so, why have you (and the vast majority of Canadians) stopped taking them? I guess those "conspiracy theorists" and "antivaxxers" were right.

Moreover, a large number of people LIED about taking the DEATHJAB and like cowards....continue to do so while people like me (represented by the BCCLA's lawyers) fight for their rights in secret courts which violate Section 2b of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms which protects open courts and open government.

Arrest Mark Carney for his Covid-19 crimes against Canadians.

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