
There are armies of Cartel (CSIS/Big Banks/Big Oil/Big Tech) trolls paid to foment division both on-line and off (eg. writing "Kill Jews" where Professor Geist frequents) creating fear, hate and instability intentionally in order to have us clamoring to trade our liberty for safety via legislation such as Bill C-63.

Moreover, when a CSIS psychopath is caught committing crimes including fraud, defamatory libel, revenge porn and extortion she is protected from public criminal prosecution because she is a CSIS operative (honey-trap.)

So, a significant portion of crimes covered under Bill C-63 are intentionally committed by CSIS psychopaths (against activists, dissidents and corporate whistle-blowers) who escape criminal prosecution.

As a victim of crime by CSIS psychopaths, I am acutely aware of on-line harms.

However, I also believe that these crimes serve to create an atmosphere conducive to a compulsory Digital ID which is the end goal of our digital enslavement via the Internet of Bio-Nano Things and the WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network IEEE802.15.6 in the Terahertz Band.) These are crimes of warrantless search and seizure using an IMSI Catcher which are contrary to Sections 184(1) and 430(5) of the Criminal Code.




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Who or what committee from where exactly, wrote this monstrous and undeniably dystopic Bill?

Who ARE these Canadian authors?

Not the sales persons and technocratic shepherds. They are obvious.

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