Just when you think there can’t be anymore revelations about the Trudeau regime’s abject stupidity and irresponsibility! Fits very well with Gov Gen Mary Simon’s remark that tearing down statues is defensible because of residential schools and the Indian Act. Does the Trudeau govt believe in any kind of rule of law?

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Jun 29·edited Jun 30

After doing a freedom of information request in 2019 regarding my longstanding, aggressive targeted surveillance including crimes of violence and torture committed against me by the State, I received a letter from CSIS implying that I am a terrorist.

I am a college graduate, former competitive athlete at the national level and letter-carrier at Canada Post for 27 years. I have an excellent credit rating, am a Sustaining Member of the BCCLA and I have never been charged with a crime. However, I did exercise my Charter rights by laying criminal charges against the Director of Mail Operations for the City of Vancouver, Jen Gall for administering Canada Post's mandatory mask, test and jab policies which involve crimes of warrantless search and seizure of our biometrics using Smart nanotechnology for surveillance under the skin via the Internet of Bio-Nano Things contrary to the Criminal Code.

Interestingly, I had been designated as a terrorist BEFORE I laid any criminal charges. This is evidence of the dangers of AI pre-crime algorithms to the lives of dissidents and whistle-blowers. I was designated a terrorist simply for being a student of a certain criminology professor who is on CSIS's shit list. That's it.

Rule of law has been inverted via Network Concentric Warfare. You are the enemy unless you kiss corporate ass.

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