Bill C-27, Canada’s proposed privacy reform and AI regulation bill, continues to slowly work its way through the committee process at the House of Commons with the clause-by-clause review of the AI portion of the bill still weeks or even months away.
Artificial Intelligence Precision Healthcare using the WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network IEEE802.15.6 in the Terahertz Band) has gone commercial. The nanotechnology biosensors for surveillance under the skin via the Internet of Bio-Nano Things and the WBAN are patently illegal. These crimes of warrantless search and seizure are contrary to Sections 184(1) and 430(5) if the Criminal Code of Canada. The Covid-19 military operation enabled this AI system to be deployed commercially. Welcome to the digital panopticon aka your 15 minute city where you will be locked in your BF Skinner Box, have your money frozen and endure remote torture for your political opinions. This is already happening.
Artificial Intelligence Precision Healthcare using the WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network IEEE802.15.6 in the Terahertz Band) has gone commercial. The nanotechnology biosensors for surveillance under the skin via the Internet of Bio-Nano Things and the WBAN are patently illegal. These crimes of warrantless search and seizure are contrary to Sections 184(1) and 430(5) if the Criminal Code of Canada. The Covid-19 military operation enabled this AI system to be deployed commercially. Welcome to the digital panopticon aka your 15 minute city where you will be locked in your BF Skinner Box, have your money frozen and endure remote torture for your political opinions. This is already happening.