1 Comment
Jun 10·edited Jun 10

Maybe if Canadians were educated about the fundamentals of today's technology they would understand that their agency and DNA are the new battlefield via the Biodigital Convergence.

Perhaps this is why regulation is required to prevent nefarious actors in government agencies and their public-private partners in the military-industrial-pharma complex from using optogenetics, Visible Light Communications, genetic-editing, tissue-scaffolding, wireless-drugging, synthetic telepathy, EEG heterodyning, fMRI, ultrasonic neuromodulation, cellular voltage, molecular communication, Human Body Communications, pulsed lasers, and nanotechnology biosensors for surveillance/manipulation of our biometrics using Smart (AI) masks, tests and jabs via the Internet of Bio-Nano Things and the WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network IEEE802.15.6 in the terahertz band) contrary to the Criminal Code.

However, the questions remain whether we can trust the regulators or are they merely the foxes guarding the henhouse?




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