Mr. Guest,

I really like your overall reporting on C-63, but I would have to respectfully disagree with your first statement: "Justice Minister Arif Virani and the federal government spent years crafting Bill C-63, the Online Harms Act."

We both know that it was not Mr. Virani that has written this piece of legislation (just like it was not Senator Galvez who wrote S-243, https://fournier.substack.com/i/145251082/bill-s-a-senate-bill-introduced-to-align-all-of-canadas-major-financial-institutions-with-the-climate-looting-scam).

I wrote an extensive piece outlining the parties involved in the creation of C-63 in which the Public Policy Forum (PPF) and Edward Greenspon (an operative of the U.S. Military outfit NewsGuard) played a huge role. The receipts are there for anyone willing to look at them:

- Bombshell Report: Exposing the Actors behind Canada’s Online Harms Act (Bill C-63), March 17, 2024


In addition, C-63, as you know, is just one piece of a much larger puzzle of censorship & fining/jailing dissenters, like you and me, who expose truth. I have written another broader work which exposes this greater agenda:

- Canada’s Digital Gulag: the Dystopian Surveillance & Censorship Infrastructure Grid that’s Being Built (and What we can do about it), March 21, 2024


Thoughts welcome.

- Respectfully

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

One has to question everything this lying, thieving, psychopathic, torturing and murderous government puts forward all while feigning dedication to our Charter rights.

Our lives and livelihoods depend on it.

Whatever is promised....expect its inversion. The Cons will not be any different. There is no way to vote against the interests of the Bank of International Settlements and the mlitary-industrial-intelligence complex.


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