The fish rots from the head down. The Canadian govt needed to take a strong stand and didn’t. Better late than never. C’mon weak-kneed JT!

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

The Five Eyes literally faked a pandemic to remove hundreds of thousands of people from government payrolls, benefits and pensions precisely during an economic downturn. Their cowardly minions in policing violently assaulted workers in their rightful workplace causing permanent injury. We were the victims of HATE SPEECH inciting death perpetuated in the media and repeated by obedient and complicit society while they robbed us blind.

You don't think these very same psychopaths would smash windows, write graffiti and set fires to perpetuate division?

We are ruled by an international crime cartel which perpetuates war to steal natural resources and establish debt servitude.

Chaos serves their agenda which is the Hegelian dialectic.

Their playbook is "The Shock Doctrine. The Rise of Disaster Capitalism." by Naomi Klein.

First they came for the antivaxxers but I wasn't an antivaxxer so, I said nothing.

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