1 Comment

Thank you for your vital oversight and reporting, Dr. Geist.

However, any pretense of privacy by Minister Champagne is outrageous given that millions of Canadians and their children have been injected with nano-sized transistors used for ILLEGAL SURVEILLANCE via the Internet of Nano Things and the WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network IEEE802.15.6. )

Minister Champagne, Justin Trudeau, Canada Post, the telecommunications industry, Electronic Arts, CSIS, the RCMP, the Canadian Healthcare industry, all unions and their public-private partners have committed egregious crimes of warrantless search and seizure via the mandated injection of Artificial Intelligence-enabled biosensors into the majority of Canadians (under threat of job loss.)

These are crimes against humanity and I haven't even mentioned covert gene-editing and wireless drugging via optogenetics.

The perpetrators must be prosecuted in the public criminal courts.


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